XVCD compatibility


I have tried XVCD compatibility with one XVCD's downloaded from VCDHelp on the 10:th of July 2002:

I have tested this on the Denver DVD-176 and there were big problems to play this XVCD disc. The picture on the screen stopped several times, but the sound played fine through the whole clip.

I have also made an XVCD myself with four short movies (352x288 resolution) in different bitrates:

Only the first (standard VCD) played without problems. The rest of the clips had problems to keep up the framerate, it seemed to slow down a bit in certain places.

For more information about some XVCD tests on the DVD-176, look at the "Official VCDHelp.com PAL/NTSC Demo Video-CD" test results at the VCD compatibility test page.


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