
The EuroLine 6650 and the United 3155 are exactly the same player. Both these players can play the following formats:

They seem to be available in two versions, one that can play VCD/SVCD and one that can't. If the words VCD and SVCD appears on the box or above the DVD tray, it can play those formats. However, if the box and the text above the DVD tray does not mention VCD and SVCD, it may still play VCD/SVCD discs. There is no way of knowing if it does except to try it out with VCD/SVCD discs!

Here is a table summarizing which players that has actually been seen so we know that they exists:

  Cannot play VCD/SVCD Can play VCD/SVCD
EuroLine 6650, no VCD/SVCD marking Exists  
EuroLine 6650, VCD/SVCD marking -  
United 3155, no VCD/SVCD marking Exists Exists
United 3155, VCD/SVCD marking - Exists

If you own one of the players that is not verified to exist yet, please drop me a line and I'll update the table above. I have not yet heard of a player that is marked with VCD/SVCD, but cannot play VCD/SVCD. I doubt that such players exists so I have marked them with a "-" above.

The 6650/3155 both has a built-in DolbyDigital decoder, unlike the 6620/3151.

In the tests I have made on my 3155, it seems that the 3155 also has a built-in DTS decoder, but this confuses me a bit as it doesn't say so anywhere in the manual or on the box. But when I play a DVD with DTS audio, I get sound on all 6 analog outputs on the back of the player.

The 3155 is also able to downmix both DD and DTS to 2 channel stereo that can be listened to via the analog audio outputs on the back of the player.

If you want this player without built-in DolbyDigital decoder, the EuroLine 6620 and United 3151 are the way to go. The 6620/3151 are very similair to 6650/3155, but without a built-in DolbyDigital decoder. However, the 6620/3151 and the 6650/3155 have slightly different Video Processor chips, and I don't know which one that produces the best image quality.


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