XVCD compatibility


I have tried XVCD compatibility with one XVCD's downloaded from VCDHelp on the 10:th of July 2002:

I have tested this on the EuroLine 6642M and there were big problems to play this XVCD disc. The picture on the screen stopped several times, but the sound played fine through the whole clip.

I have also made an XVCD myself with four short movies (352x288 resolution) in different bitrates:

Only the first (standard VCD) played without problems. The rest of the clips had problems to keep up the framerate, it seemed to slow down a bit in certain places.

For more information about some XVCD tests on the 6642M, look at the "Official VCDHelp.com PAL/NTSC Demo Video-CD" test results at the VCD compatibility test page.


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