
The EuroLine 6632 looks very different from the EuroLine 6620/United 3151. But on the inside, these two players have almost exactly the same hardware (if you compare the 6632 with the EuroLine 6620 that has VCD/SVCD capabilities).

The EuroLine 6632 can play the following formats:

Even though there is nothing mentioned about the 6632 being able to play VCD/SVCD, I have never heard about a 6632 that cannot play VCD/SVCD. So hopefully there is only one "version" of this player available.

Another thing that differs between the 6632 and 6620 is that there is no phones output on the 6632, but the 6620 has one!

The 6632 has no built-in DolbyDigital decoder, and no built-in DTS decoder. So the only way of getting DD/DTS sound from this player is to connect it via the coaxial digital out connection to an external DD/DTS-decoder (the 6632 has no optical digital output).

The 6632 is also able to downmix both DD and DTS to 2 channel stereo that can be listened to via the analog audio outputs on the back of the player.

If you want this player with built-in DolbyDigital decoder, the EuroLine 6652 are the way to go. The 6652 are almost the same player as the 6632, but with a built-in DolbyDigital decoder. However, the 6632 and the 6652 have slightly different Video Processor chips, and I don't know which one that produces the best image quality.


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