So, what is KBSnoop?

KBSnoop is a hardware device that can be used for this:

Monitor the data that is transmitted between the keyboard and the PC.
Monitor the data that is transmitted between the PS/2 mouse and the PC.

KBSnoop listens to the keyboard (or PS/2 mouse) interface and whenever it captures a byte, the byte is sent as text to one of the PC's serial ports. To display this data that gets transmitted to the PC's serial port, any terminal program (such as the Windows HyperTerminal) can be used.

That's it! It does not do anything more, but it can be of great help if you need to look at the data that is transmitted between the keyboard (or PS/2 mouse) and the PC.

As with the other devices on these pages, you have to build KBSnoop yourself. I have no plans to start to manufacture and sell these devices. Hopefully the description on these pages contains enough information to build a KBSnoop from scratch.

If you decide to build one, you can download the software I have written for the device for free from the software page. I cannot guarantee that it works flawlessly on your system, but if you get any problems with it I will try to help you to solve them.


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